GDPR Compliant Blog Full Course

How to make your blog GDPR compliant in less than 48 hours (templates + action plan included)


Getting sick of struggling with GDPR


Revealed: Trained lawyer + GDPR expert (PhD) shares simple course that will easily manage GDPR compliance in just 48 hours or less

Finally! You'll be able to make your blog GDPR compliant in a matter of hours without much effort or financial investment with this "Secret" course you can't live without

You're smart, driven and you've got big plans to push your business forward. But trying to make your blog GDPR compliant is not a small task.

Anyone who has tried to make their blog GDPR compliant has run into one problem after another...

It's no secret. Trying to figure out what the GDPR means for you as a blogger and working towards your full compliance is extremely difficult.

As you struggle to overcome the issue, you're often met with headaches and closed doors. Finding a resolution seems impossible.

You have...

  • put GDPR compliance on the back-burner for months
  • tried googling what the GDPR is and what you need to do to comply
  • tried coming up with a compliance plan on your own

... and oh yeah, you probably have even...

  • followed free advice from unreliable sources which turned out to be completely wrong!

... and every flop has left you with less than desirable results.

It's extremely frustrating when you know that you're capable of bigger and better things.

But if you're not a lawyer, all that full-on legalese is so confusing and overwhelming.

It's really no wonder that most people who try to make their blog GDPR compliant on their own, give up.

But the truth is...

Finally Being Able to Easily Manage GDPR Compliance Is Much Closer Than You Think...

Hey there, I’m Lucrezia and I'm the co-founder of Blogging for New Bloggers & + a lawyer & university lecturer (LLB, LLM, PhD)...

I find myself in the unique position of being a blogger, an international lawyer specialized in EU law and a university lecturer with over 15 years of legal and teaching experience.

I've helped over 5,000 bloggers, content creators, and website owners to create easy-to-read, highly effective, and FTC + GDPR + CCPA compliant legal pages and protect their blogs legally with my legal courses and templates.

More than 10,000 bloggers have taken my blogging courses.

And yes, I know exactly how you're feeling.

If you’re anything like the hundreds of bloggers and other content creators I have been helping over the past years, you have probably been sticking your head in the sand when it comes to the legal side of your blog.

But the bloggers I have helped have managed to achieve quite a bit of success...

Their blog is fully GDPR compliant!

They can now relax having the peace of mind that their blog is legally protected and they won't risk fines, formal complaints or lawsuits.

They can finally stop wasting their time trying to figure out the legal side of blogging on their own and can now spend their time doing what they love and do best: creating content, growing their business and have lots of spare time to enjoy the company of their loved ones.

You see...



... Having Tried it All, They Were Beaten Down and Ready to Throw in the Towel...

The GDPR is composed of 173 very long recitals and 99 quite complex articles.

No GDPR provision is crystal clear and there are a lot of grey areas.

If you’re not familiar with the legal jargon of the EU institutions, the GDPR may sound terribly obscure and you can get overwhelmed pretty soon.

And for the hundreds of bloggers like you who took this course, roadblocks were their constant reality.

What often stopped them dead in their tracks was they couldn't figure out whether the GDPR applied to them and to what extent.

They had no clue about how to comply.

They didn't have a ton of time to sift through dozens and dozens of articles to figure out the legal requirements.

And I didn't have enough revenue yet to justify the costs of hiring a lawyer.

Of course, you know exactly what I'm talking about, right?



  • You've tried googling what the GDPR is and what it requires from you as a blogger which just resulted in wasted time as you constantly end up back at square one.
  • You've followed free advice from unreliable sources which led to mistakes after mistake and further confusion.
  • You've tried coming up with a compliance plan on your own which just ended up in big headaches and feeling overwhelmed.

And you're still at square one. I understand just how you feel.



It was by talking with many fellow bloggers that I realized there are hundreds of bloggers, other content creators and website owners struggling with GDPR compliance.

With my background as an EU law expert (PhD) and over 15 years of professional experience as a lawyer, I knew I couldn't keep my skills and expertise on lock-down.

Since then, I've run into multiple others who encountered the same, never-ending battle you’re going through. And it seemed pretty unfair to keep the solution to myself... especially since it's been such a huge stepping stone in the success of the hundreds of other bloggers I’ve helped.

Which is why I'm so glad you've stumbled your own way to my school. I can't wait to introduce you to...



The one and only course that will allow you to make your blog GDPR compliant in the next 48 hours

Created by a lawyer specialized in EU law (LLB, LLM, PhD) and specifically designed for bloggers, this course will show you everything you need to know and do to make your blog fully GDPR compliant in 48 hours or less.

It comes with templates, checklists and an easy to follow step-by-step action plan to make your blog compliant in a matter of hours!


If you want to know how hundreds of bloggers were able to easily manage GDPR compliance... well... this is it.

And trust me, you'll be shocked at how simple it is!

Here's How My GDPR Compliant

Blog Course Will Benefit You:

You won’t have to get lost in hundreds of stiff legal provisions written in full-on legalese.

Just take this course and follow the easy action steps.

Without much effort, you will have your blog GDPR compliant in 48 hours or less.

This course leaves aside all the legal mumbo-jumbo and guides you through your full compliance step-by-step.

It gives you an overview of all GDPR key provisions relevant to bloggers in PLAIN ENGLISH.

It provides you with examples, templates and checklists for each action you will need to take to ensure your full compliance.

This course comes with an overview of the key GDPR provisions relevant to bloggers.

You don’t need to graduate in GDPR!

All the groundwork for interpreting the legislation and sorting what’s relevant and what’s not has been done so that you don’t have to.

No more guesswork and headaches!

You will have access to a step-by-step action plan + checklists to make your blog fully GDPR compliant in less than 48 hours.

This course is completely self-paced.

You can even jump straight to the action plan, follow the action steps to make your blog GDPR compliant and then go through the overview of the key provisions at a later time.

Each lesson has been kept short and to the point.

Each lesson is designed to be super easy to implement and each action step can be tackled in 15/30 minutes or less.

This course leaves aside all the legal mumbo-jumbo.

All the legalese and jargon of the EU institutions has been translated into plain English.

This course is not limited to your "website's cosmetics".

This course doesn't only cover the steps you need to take to make your blog GDPR compliant but it also includes instructions on

  • how to uphold your ongoing obligations,
  • how to act upon a request from one of your users or subscribers exercising their rights under the GDPR,
  • what to do in the unfortunate event of a breach,

and much more.

This course is a living document and it will be regularly updated with future legislative development and case-law.

You will have lifetime access to the current version of the course and all its future updates at no extra cost to you.

This is big because your GDPR compliance will always be up to date and in the event of significant changes in legislation affecting your business, you will be promptly informed and provided with updated lessons and revised templates at no additional cost.

Taking this course is a no-brainer.

But you don't have to take my word for it...

Here's What Other Bloggers Had to Say About My GDPR Compliant Blog Course

Meet Sasha - Entrepreneur & Blogging Coach from Canada

Sasha now feels at ease and can finally run her blog without any worries of infringing the law.

"As a new blogger, there was so much to learn about blogging and I didn't even think about the legal ramifications involved. After some research, I knew that it was so important to make sure that I was blogging legally and the fact that a large portion of my audience is from the UK meant I needed some guidance on being GDPR compliant. Most legal sites I came across offered their legal pages at a huge expense (which I didn't have as a newbie) and did not directly cover GDPR compliance. Then I found Lucrezia's GDPR course. Coming straight from a lawyer from the EU, it was absolutely everything I needed in one, low- priced package. She explains the tough legal jargon in easy to understand ways and with the bonus privacy, cookie and subscriber form templates, you can literally be set up and running compliant in no time. After about 15 minutes of personalization (which she highlights for ease), I had every page and requirement set up the right way, which totally put me at ease. I could finally run my blog without being worried about any legal infringements. I highly recommend any of Lucrezia's courses!!"

Sasha Lassey |

What Peter Nyiri from FunnelXpert is saying...

This course gives the exact steps and templates to implement the GDPR provisions, skipping all the confusion.

"If you are a US blogger, you may think that GDPR doesn’t apply to you. Wrong. You may also think that if you don’t have email subscribers, you don’t collect personal data. Wrong again. I had no idea that we collect and process personal data via Google Analytics, blog comments, contact forms, cookies, third party plugins or by displaying ads. Additionally, GDPR provisions aren’t crystal clear and there are a LOT of grey areas. You can easily get hit for non-compliance. This course gives you only the data that applies to you as a blogger and gives the exact steps and templates to implement the GDPR provisions, skipping all the confusion. If you have a blog, this course is a must."

- Peter Nyiri | FunnelXpert

Meet Audrey - Small Business Owner, Blogger & VA

Audrey felt good about implementing Lucrezia's suggestions as she knew that as a specialist in European law, she has a better understanding of the legal requirements than other legal officials in the blogging realm.

"With over 59,000 data breach notifications in the first year of GDPR, we're seeing more and more companies hit with fines related to it. As a small business owner, this was scary to me as my business was growing fast. I spent some time pretending that GDPR didn't exist because the information was complicated and confusing, and I hoped that as a relatively small blogger I wouldn't be affected by it (which isn't true - many small businesses are being hit with fines too). As my first business grew and I started up my second, the pressure was on to become compliant with GDPR. I usually do a lot of my own research, but the information on GDPR around the web was complicated, confusing, and often conflicted with other resources. Lucrezia's course offered clarity and actionable steps to get my blog legally compliant with GDPR. As a specialist in European law, I feel good about implementing her suggestions as I know she has a better understanding of the legal requirements than other legal officials in the blogging realm. Even if you think you're GDPR compliant, I would recommend this course as I think there are a lot of misunderstandings when it comes to GDPR, and the fact that it's updated makes it an invaluable resource when it comes to your business."

Audrey Marshall |

Meet Alison - Blogger from the UK

Alison found the course thorough, practical and easy to follow. She will refer back to it as her blog evolves to ensure she remains compliant.

"I'm a UK based blogger and although I tried to be conscientious about GDPR compliance when setting up my blog, working through the GDPR Compliant Blog course highlighted a number of areas of risk for me. Thanks to Lucrezia's fantastic course I was able to quickly address these points. I found the course thorough, practical and easy to follow. I will definitely refer back to it from time to time as my blog evolves to ensure I remain compliant. GDPR compliance is one of those essential things to do as a blogger but many are put off as it doesn't seem as fun as some of the other elements of blogging or seems complicated. This course helped me to sort out my compliance and get the basics right quickly, I would definitely recommend it."

- Alison |

What Jade is saying...

This course has been an absolute life saver. It's worth every penny for the stress relief alone!

"This course has been an absolute life saver. I was late to find out about the GDPR because I am a brand new blogger. I was thinking this is it, I have just started and there is no way I'm going to be able to figure this out as a new blogger. Lucrezia broke everything down and gave me a clear understanding of the exact steps I needed to take with my blog to make sure I was GDPR compliant and was able to continue with my own blogging journey. I am so happy I came across this amazing resource. It is worth every penny for the stress relief alone! You won't regret it."

Jade Bodzasy |

Meet Rebekah - Business Owner, Blogger, Writer & Creator from Queensland

Rebekah was feeling a bit confused and overwhelmed about GDPR and when she found Lucrezia - a lawyer AND a blogger - it was like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders!

"I highly recommend this course. I was feeling a bit confused and overwhelmed about GDPR + my blog and when I found Lucrezia - a lawyer AND a blogger, it was like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders! In the GDPR Compliant Blog course, it has the exact steps WITH Privacy Policy template and opt-in form templates AND you can get straight to the good stuff (and implement within just a few hours!) Oh, and it is explained in a very easy to understand way. I highly (highly) recommend for any blogger!"

Rebekah Allan |

Meet Sharon - Blogger & VA from Australia

With Lucrezia's fantastic templates, Sharon felt confident about getting her site compliant without a huge commitment of time or frustration.

"The GDPR has slid under my radar until the last minute so I was very relieved to find Lucrezia’s course and discover it covered so much content at such an affordable price. With her guidance and the fantastic templates I feel confident about getting my site and my email list compliant without a huge commitment of time or frustration."

Sharon Pegrum |

Meet Kelly Marie from Unique & Inspiring

It took her about 20 minutes to get her site to be GDPR compliant.

"This course is definitely worth taking! It has step by step instructions that are super simple to follow. It literally took me about 20 minutes to get my site to be GDPR compliant."

Kelly Marie |

Meet Amanda - New blogger from the US

The best part of the course for Amanda is that is not limited to just one country but it has everything laid out for what you need and what you don't need based on what part of the world you live in.

"I did not know a lot about being GDPR Compliant and have learned a lot from taking this course. I am so glad that she included all of the information that she did. Make sure to set aside a few hours to go through it to make sure you fully understand everything. The best part of taking her courses is that it is not limited to just one country. Taking this course can save you hours and months worth of research and she has everything laid out for you what you need and what you don't need based on what part of the world you live in. I highly recommend taking her courses, I have taken others and you don't get nearly as much information included. Her templates are awesome to follow! Thank you for all of your help!"

Amanda Lorenzo |

What Lin is saying ...

The combination between the use of templates and, the easy-to-read and easy-to-follow instructions helped her get through her blog’s policy creation process with much speed and ease.

Meet Debrah - Blogger from Canada

Thanks to Lucrezia breaking down the "legalese", Debrah has a clearer idea of her her duties and obligations as a blogger and of how to accomplish those. She found the information about the plugins including how to fill out the settings extremely useful.

"With new, more vigorous GDPR requirements looming, I decided to go through the GDPR Course being offered by Lucrezia and I’m so glad that I did. While I had a general concept of what was being called for, this course expanded that understanding. Thanks to Lucrezia breaking down the ‘legalese’ that goes along with the actual EU documents, I have a clearer idea now, of my duties and obligations as a blogger and of how to accomplish those. And for those who are beginners in the world of blogging, the information regarding which plugins will accomplish the necessary processes, including how to fill out the settings was extremely useful. I would highly recommend this course, with the easily understood information and language, as a must-do part of your education."

Debrah McCabe |

"Yes! I'd Love to Get in On This, But What's the Catch?"

Yes, this course is wonderful. But what's the catch?

I'll be honest, you could skip over this offer today and invest in one-to-one consultations with a lawyer which will cost you at least $2000.

Or you could hire an agency & DPO but you'd have to shell out $5000+.

There's also the option to continue using trial and error until you finally get it right. I have no doubt that you could, but why waste anymore time hoping for a solution when you can save yourself a ton of money, time and frustration for a fast tracked compliance?

And don't worry.

You won't have to pay anywhere near $2000 or $5000.

And to be 100% sure you get an immense amount of value from this offer, I'm going to kick it up a notch.

When You Sign Up Today, You'll Also Get FREE Access To...


Done-for-you and ready-to-go professionally drafted Privacy Policy template.

This is good for you because you will meet all the legal requirements, including the GDPR. You will avoid any fines, formal complaints, and lawsuits. You will be accepted into ad networks, affiliate programs, and other partnerships.

Value: $149.95


Done-for-you and ready-to-go professionally drafted Cookie Policy template.

This will help you complete your policies with a detailed and GDPR compliant cookie policy with a click of a button!

Value: $49.95


Documentation Template

Value: $49.95


Cookie Pop-Up Templates

Value: $19.95


Sign-Up Forms Templates

Value: $29.95


Subscribers Re-Validation Template

Value: $9.95


Correspondence re: Breach Template

Value: $49.95


List of Supervisory Authorities

Value: $9.95


List of Countries with Adequate Protection

Value: $9.95


List of Compliant Providers

Value: $19.95


Lifetime access current and future versions.

This will ensure your GDPR compliance will always be up to date and in the event of significant changes in legislation affecting your business, you will be promptly informed and provided with updated lessons and revised templates at no extra cost to you.

Value: $299.95

BONUS # 12

Direct access to private Facebook Group Blogging for New Bloggers (24K+ selected members).

This will help you with any questions you may have about blogging legally and blogging profitably. Hundreds of people have had their blogging journey changed by the support they found in this community - now, you're next!

Value: $49.00/m

You'll Get $749.90 Worth of Great

Products Completely Free!

But there is one thing...

We Will Only Be Selling 50 Copies. Once I close down the offer we won't release it again at this price. I'm doing this because we raise the price of this course regularly, and we will be removing the free bonuses soon...

Not to worry though.

I'm all about simplicity, which includes giving you an easy decision.

You Can Try Out My GDPR Compliant Blog Course Completely Risk Free!

I want to guarantee you take advantage of this offer today, and feel great about it.

You're protected by our 30 day money-back guarantee. If for any reason at all you're not completely satisfied, get in touch with our team and we will give you a complete refund. It's that simple.

"Yes, I'm Ready to Dive In! How Much Will This Cost Me?"

I'm stoked for you to jump in and get started. Even more so, I can't wait for you to see the results that are waiting for you on the other side.

Here's a quick recap of everything you'll receive when you secure your copy right now:

GDPR Compliant Blog Course + 12 Extra Bonuses

When You Enroll in GDPR Compliant Blog Today, You'll Get a Total Value of Over $1199.75 For ONLY...

Get started now!


I'm truly excited for you to get started with my GDPR Compliant Blog course and see what a huge impact this will have on the success of your business.

P.S. You could skip over this offer, but then your business will stay right where you are now. Let me help you get out of the rut you've been in. Start achieving the results you deserve right now. If you let this offer pass you by, you can guarantee one thing: nothing will change. At least, not for awhile. But, grab GDPR Compliant Blog right now by clicking the enroll button above, and you'll be on your way to finally make your blog GDPR compliant in 48 hour or less.

P.P.S. Just a reminder, We Will Only Be Selling 50 Copies. But don't worry. You're protected by our money back guarantee. So you can try it out today, and enjoy peace of mind. All you have to do is click the enroll button above to get started.


Taking this course will give you peace of mind that your implementation is in line with the legal requirements under the GDPR.


This course will take all the guesswork out and save you tons of time that you can better spend writing your posts and growing your business.


It will save you money and headache. You can rely on professional legal expertise without having to hire a lawyer for hundreds of dollars an hour.

Please note that this course is meant for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. Purchasing and taking this course does not create an attorney-client relationship and you are encouraged to consult with a lawyer should your circumstances require.


It will give you evidence of the reasonable steps you take towards compliance required by the accountability principle of the GDPR. Under the GDPR, not only you need to comply, you’re also required to show that you took action to comply. Being able to demonstrate what you have done to comply will help mitigate any potential enforcement action. Enrolling in a course will show your good faith and will make it easier for you to take the steps you need to demonstrate.


This course will allow you to have everything in one place and learn and implement at your own pace. The GDPR introduces ongoing obligations that you need to uphold throughout your blogging life. You will be able to go back to the relevant lesson every time you receive a request from your users related to their rights under the GDPR in the future or in the unfortunate event a breach occurs.


Under the GDPR, you have ongoing obligations and will have to act upon requests from your users throughout your blogging life. You need to know what the GDPR means for your blog and what you need to do in the event of a request from one of your users, of a breach or of a complaint brought against you before a supervisory authority. You will have to apply the GDPR provisions on a daily basis. Of course, you can delegate the little tasks to finalise your compliance but if you completely outsource your compliance to someone else, be it another blogger, a lawyer, an agency or a VA, you won’t know what to do. Besides being expensive (agency prices range between $200 and $2,000, lawyers' fees are even higher), outsourcing your compliance could get you into trouble.The only exception would be permanently appointing a qualified DPO (even where it’s not mandatory under the GDPR) but this option would cost you thousands of dollars and even then you would still be the only one personally liable for compliance. This course is a small investment for your peace of mind for years to come.


This course will keep you up to date with future legislative development & case-law without incurring further expenses. This course is a living document and will be updated with the new regulation and any other future legal development on the subject. This course comes with lifetime access to its current and all future versions at no extra cost to you.


- You treat your blog as your business

- You want to make money blogging

- You want to be taken seriously by brands, ad networks and affiliate programs

- You don’t want to leave yourself open to getting sued

- You don’t want to risk getting fined

- You care about the rights and privacy of your users

- You don’t want to pay a lawyer $400+ an hour

- You don’t want to make money blogging

- You don’t care if you have to shut down your blog

- You have a very high risk tolerance

- You are prepared to pay thousands of dollars in fines or legal fees

- Your website is very complex, you have a large team, and/or you apply super advanced e-commerce and marketing strategies and techniques

If you treat your blog like a business and want to make money blogging, enroll in this course and make your blog GDPR compliant in less than 48 hours.

Leave the boring legal stuff to me so that you can focus on the things you like the most + growing your business and generating income!

Course Curriculum

  Introduction to the Course
Available in days
days after you enroll
  What's next
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Bonus: Direct Access to Facebook Group
Available in days
days after you enroll

Your Instructor

Lucrezia Iapichino
Lucrezia Iapichino

Hi there!

I’m the founder of Blogging for New Bloggers® and Tinylovebug®Legals for Business Owners, and host of the popular Blogging for New Bloggers® community (35K+ members), together with my sister, Marina.

Originally from Italy and currently based in Melbourne, I've worked as an international lawyer and university lecturer in different countries for over 15 years. I use the combination of my research, teaching, and blogging experience, coupled with my extensive legal expertise to show new bloggers, just like you, how to blog profitably and legally.

I started my first blog, Tinylovebug®, at a time when I needed to take my mind off my fertility struggles. Born as a creative outlet, this little lifestyle blog blossomed into a profitable business within the first six months. As the money grew more and more consistent, Marina and I went on a mission to empower other bloggers to do the same.

Only a few years later, I’m now a mum and have helped over 30K bloggers, podcasters, course creators, coaches, and other online entrepreneurs start and grow their business and protect it legally with my courses and legal templates.

If you want to make money blogging and you're eager to learn how to blog profitably and protect your business legally, then you're exactly in the right place!

Frequently Asked Questions

Does this course come with templates?
Yes, this course comes with several templates including privacy policy template, cookie policy template, cookie pop-up template, documentation template. Please refer to the bonus section to see the full list.
I’m a new blogger, do I still need this course?
At its core, the GDPR applies to anyone who: 1) Is based in the EU; or 2) offers or markets products or services to people based in the EU; or 3) tracks and monitors the behaviour of people based in the EU. Even if your blog is new, you don’t have much traffic or you’re not making any money blogging yet, you may still be required by law to comply and you may be liable if you don’t.
I’m based in the US, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, India, South Africa, Nigeria, can I still take this course?
Yes, absolutely. This course is not country-focused. The GDPR applies around the world and if the GDPR applies to you, the standards and legal requirements are the same regardless of the country you’re based in. So, as far as GDPR compliance is concerned, you are covered no matter where you’re from. As to national legislation outside the GDPR, I may sometimes note in each lesson if further requirements are required (e.g. under the CAN-SPAM Act or COPPA for US-based bloggers, or under domestic Australian legislation for Australian based bloggers) but please be advised that I don’t cover the internal legislation of all individual countries. Domestic legislation falls outside the scope of any GDPR focused course.
I have a lifestyle blog, do I still need this course?
The GDPR applies to all niches and this course cater for all niches (lifestyle, food, travel, parenting, DYI, finance, fashion, just to name a few).
I don’t have any email list, do I still need this course?
The GDPR definition of personal data is quite broad and includes, among others, name, email address, identification number, location data and online identifier. So, even if you don’t have an email list, you are still required to comply with the GDPR if you target or monitor the behaviour of EU based users and process their personal data via one or more of the following: contact forms, comment systems, Google Analytics or other analytics tools, plugins, cookies, e-commerce transactions, affiliate portals, membership areas, ads targeting, etc.
I’m not on, can I still take this course?
Yes, this course is not platform-specific. You can implement the lessons on any platform (,, Blogger, Squarespace, Wix, Weebly, Joomla). However, bear in mind that in some lessons, I might recommend using some free plugins for self-hosted WordPress because it makes it easier and quicker. You may need to find the equivalent plugin or in-built feature for your platform, do it manually or via coding.
I’m not based in the EU, do I still need this course?
In addition to bloggers based in the EU, the GDPR also applies to bloggers outside the EU who offer goods or services to individuals in the EU, irrespective of whether a payment is required; and/or monitor their behaviour as far as their behaviour takes place within the EU. So, if you process or monitor data of individuals based in the EU, the GDPR applies to you regardless of where you’re based.
I don’t make money blogging, do I still need this course?
The GDPR applies to all bloggers based in the EU and all bloggers outside of the EU who offer goods or services to individuals in the EU, irrespective of whether a payment is required; or the monitoring of their behaviour as far as their behaviour takes place within the EU. So, the GDPR may apply to you even if you are not generating an income from your blog.
I blog about blogging, do I still need this course?
While this course caters for all niches, it’s particularly recommended for bloggers who blog about blogging, making money online and/or online marketing. This is because bloggers in those niches not only need to comply with the GDPR on their own blog but they also need to keep the GDPR provisions in mind when blogging and offering advice to their audience on topics such as list building, email marketing and e-commerce.
How is the course content delivered?
The course content is delivered primarily as a text-based course. Some key lessons are also delivered as video lectures. Further video lectures may be added in the future and you will have full unlimited access to them at no additional cost.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to the course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own. Since this course will be updated with future legislative development, the price may increase over time. You won’t have to pay for updates. After purchasing it, you will have lifetime access to the current version and all its future updates at no extra cost to you.
I have kids/I work full-time and I don’t have much time to work on my compliance, how long does it take to complete the course?
This course is completely self-paced. I know, life can get in the way! So, I kept each lesson short and to the point. You don’t need to graduate in GDPR! I have done all the groundwork for interpreting the legislation and sorting what’s relevant and what’s not so that you don’t have to. You can even jump straight to the action plan towards compliance, follow the action steps to make your blog GDPR compliant and then go through the overview of the key provisions at a later time. You can go through the course at your own pace, really. Each lesson is designed to be super easy to implement and each action step can be tackled in 15/30 minutes or less. You’d be able to complete all your action steps in a couple of hours or complete each step individually in 15-minute chunks of time. Whatever works best for you.
When does the course start and finish?
You will gain access to the content materials as soon as they're released. This course is completely self-paced - you decide when you start and when you finish. This course addresses ongoing obligations and you will be able to go back to the relevant lesson every time you're requested to meet one of your obligations under the GDPR. This course is a living document and will be regularly updated with future legislative development at no extra cost to you.
Do you have an affiliate program?
Yes, of course, we do! And it comes with a generous commission of 40% of the purchase price and an extraordinary 365-day cookie policy - which means your 40% commission will be awarded whenever your referral leads to a purchase within a year.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! I'm so confident in the value this course provides that we offer a 30-day happiness guarantee! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us at [email protected] within the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.
What's GDPR?
GDPR stands for General Data Protection Regulation which is a tough European Union regulation that was specifically designed to enhance the rights to privacy and protect personal data of users based in the EU. In practice, this regulation puts forward the rules that govern how blogs can collect, store and process personal data of users based in the EU. If the GDPR applies to you and you don’t comply, you may risk fines, formal complaints to supervisory authorities and lawsuits.
What's a Privacy Policy?
A Privacy Policy is a document stating how your website handles the personal information you collect. It covers how personal information is collected, what is used for, and how is stored and managed. A Privacy Policy is a MUST HAVE for nearly every single blog or website. In most countries and States, you are required by law to have a Privacy Policy on your website if you collect and process personal information of your users. The GDPR requires you to have a Privacy Policy. Besides, if you wish to monetize your blog, most brands, ad networks, and affiliate programs will require you to have a privacy policy on your blog. This course comes with a done-for-you and ready-to-go professionally drafted Privacy Policy template as a bonus.
Couldn't I just do it on my own? Couldn't I just get free advice on the internet?
Maybe. But you would need to spend so much time trying to figure out what the heck you need to do and making sure your sources are reliable. There is so much conflicting advice on the GDPR across the internet and some of it is plain wrong. You don’t want to go through the trouble of taking action and implementing stuff, only to find out later it was all wrong! You’re back to square one and still exposed to fines, lawsuits, and formal complaints.
Isn't the GDPR for the big fish?
A few bloggers may have brushed it all off as scaremongering thinking that no one is going to fine a small blog for EUR 20 million. You may not get a fine in the millions but hey, even a few thousand dollar fine may set you back massively or tank your blog for good. It's not so much that some zealous EU officials will stumble upon your blog and fine you, it's more the fact that the GDPR gives YOUR users based in the EU the right to lodge a complaint against you with a supervisory authority and even the right to sue you! Thanks to international law, bilateral cooperation agreements and the aid of local enforcement authorities, they can reach you even if you’re based outside of the EU. It only takes one unhappy and pedantic user who feels violated in their right to privacy to get you into trouble. Besides, everyone is updating their policies and making the required adjustments. The GDPR is setting a new international standard. If you don't conform, your users will notice. Your blog will look like a second-class dodgy and spammy website. You may lose your users' trust. Your reputation may suffer. You may even incur a loss of earnings and income if brands and providers will no longer want to partner with you or if your users won't buy directly from you or through your affiliate links due to your non-compliance. Why would you want to risk all of that when you can get your blog GDPR compliant in a matter of hours!
Why a course and not just a template?
Why settle for a template when you can have - FOR THE SAME PRICE or even less! - a full course that walks you through what you need to do AND the template? Templates are great and they do save you tons of time but if you don’t know what’s in the template and why is there, how can you really uphold your legal obligations? For example, how can you act upon requests from your users if you have no clue what you’re required to do under the GDPR in those instances? We value education. We don't only give you some fish but we give some fish and we teach you how to fish so that you're set for the future. You have the opportunity to get a GDPR compliant privacy policy template AND legal education & training at the highest standard of quality being your instructor a University lecturer in addition to being an international lawyer and GDPR expert (PhD).

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